Source code for surmise.calibration

import numpy as np
import importlib
import copy
import warnings

[docs] class calibrator(object): def __init__(self, emu=None, y=None, x=None, thetaprior=None, yvar=None, method='directbayes', args={}): ''' A class to represent a calibrator. Fits a calibrator model provided in ``calibrationmethods/[method].py`` where [method] is the user option with default listed above. .. tip:: To use a new calibrator, just drop a new file to the ``calibrationmethods/`` directory with the required formatting. :Example: .. code-block:: python calibrator(emu=emu, y=y, x=x, thetaprior=thetaprior, method='directbayes', args=args) Parameters ---------- emu : surmise.emulation.emulator, optional An emulator class instance as defined in surmise.emulation. The default is None. y : numpy.ndarray, optional Array of observed values at x. The default is None. x : numpy.ndarray, optional An array of x values that match the definition of "emu.x". Currently, existing methods supports only the case when x is a subset of "emu.x". The default is None. thetaprior : class, optional class instance with two built-in functions. The default is None. .. important:: If a calibration method requires sampling, then the prior distribution of the parameters should be included into the calibrator. In this case, thetaprior class should include two methods: - ``lpdf(theta)`` Returns the log of the pdf of a given theta with size ``(len(theta), 1)`` - ``rnd(n)`` Generates n random variable from a prior distribution. :Example: .. code-block:: python class prior_example: def lpdf(theta): return sps.uniform.logpdf( theta[:, 0], 0, 1).reshape((len(theta), 1)) def rnd(n): return np.vstack((sps.uniform.rvs(0, 1, size=n))) yvar : numpy.ndarray, optional The vector of observation variances at y. The default is None. method : str, optional A string that points to the file located in ``calibrationmethods/`` you would like to use. The default is 'directbayes'. args : dict, optional Optional dictionary containing options you would like to pass to [method].fit(x, theta, f, args) or [method].predict(x, theta args) The default is {}. Raises ------ ValueError If the dimension of the data do not match with the fitted emulator. Returns ------- None. ''' # default to showing all warnings if ('warnings' in args.keys()) and ~args['warnings']: warnings.simplefilter('ignore') else: warnings.resetwarnings() self.args = args if y is None: raise ValueError('You have not provided any y.') if y.ndim > 1.5: y = np.squeeze(y) if y.shape[0] < 5: raise ValueError('5 is the minimum number of observations at this ' 'time.') self.y = y if emu is None: raise ValueError('You have not provided any emulator.') self.emu = emu try: thetatestsamp = thetaprior.rnd(100) except Exception: raise ValueError('thetaprior.rnd(100) failed.') if thetatestsamp.shape[0] != 100: raise ValueError('thetaprior.rnd(100) failed to give 100 values.') try: thetatestlpdf = thetaprior.lpdf(thetatestsamp) except Exception: raise ValueError('thetaprior.lpdf(thetatestsamp) failed.') if thetatestlpdf.shape[0] != 100: raise ValueError('thetaprior.lpdf(thetaprior.rnd(100)) failed to ' 'give 100 values.') # if thetatestlpdf.ndim != 1: # raise ValueError('thetaprior.lpdf(thetaprior.rnd(100)) has ' # 'dimension higher than 1.') = {}['thetaprior'] = copy.deepcopy(thetaprior) if x is not None: if x.shape[0] != y.shape[0]: raise ValueError('If x is provided, shape[0] must align with ' 'the length of y.') self.x = copy.deepcopy(x) predtry = emu.predict(copy.copy(self.x), thetatestsamp) if y.shape[0] != predtry().shape[0]: if x is None: raise ValueError('y and emu.predict(theta) must have the same ' 'shape') else: raise ValueError('y and emu.predict(x,theta) must have the ' 'same shape') else: prednotfinite = np.logical_not(np.isfinite(predtry())) if np.any(prednotfinite): warnings.warn('Some non-finite values from emulation ' 'received.') fracfail = np.mean(prednotfinite, 1) if np.sum(fracfail <= 10**(-3)) < 5: raise ValueError('Your emulator failed enough places to ' 'give up.') else: warnings.warn('Current protocol is to remove observations' ' that have nonfinite values.') whichrm = np.where(fracfail > 10**(-3))[0] warnings.warn('Removing values at %s.' % np.array2string(whichrm)) whichkeep = np.where(fracfail <= 10**(-3))[0] if x is not None: self.x = self.x[whichkeep, :] self.y = self.y[whichkeep] else: whichkeep = None if yvar is not None: if yvar.shape[0] != y.shape[0] and yvar.shape[0] > 1.5: raise ValueError('yvar must be the same size as y or ' 'of size 1.') if np.min(yvar) < 0: raise ValueError('yvar has at least one negative value.') if np.min(yvar) < 10 ** (-6) or np.max(yvar) > 10 ** (6): raise ValueError('Rescale your problem so that the yvar' ' is between 10 ^ -6 and 10 ^ 6.')['yvar'] = copy.deepcopy(yvar) if whichkeep is not None:['yvar'] =['yvar'][whichkeep] try: self.method = importlib.import_module('surmise.calibrationmethods.' + method) except Exception: raise ValueError('Module not found!') def __repr__(self): object_method = [method_name for method_name in dir(self) if callable(getattr(self, method_name))] object_method = [x for x in object_method if not x.startswith('__')] object_method = [x for x in object_method if not x.startswith('emu')] strrepr = ('A calibration object where the code in located in the file' ' calibration. The main method are cal.' + ', cal.'. join(object_method) + '. Default of cal(x) is ' 'cal.predict(x). Run help(cal) for the document string.') return strrepr def __call__(self, x=None): return self.predict(x)
[docs] def fit(self, args=None): """ Calls "calibrationmethods.[method].fit" where "[method]" is the user option. Parameters ---------- args : dict A dictionary containing options you would like to pass """ if args is not None: argstemp = {**self.args, **copy.deepcopy(args)} else: argstemp = copy.copy(self.args), self.emu, self.x, self.y, **argstemp) if hasattr(self, 'theta'): del self.theta # : theta attribute of calibrator self.theta = thetadist(self) return
[docs] def predict(self, x=None, args=None): ''' Returns predictions at x. :Example: .. code-block:: python calibrator.predict(x=x, args=args) Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray, optional An array of inputs to the model where to predict. The default is None. args : dict, optional A dictionary containing options. The default is None. Returns ------- surmise.calibration.prediction An instance of calibration class prediction. ''' if args is None: args = self.args if x is None: x = self.x info = {} if 'predict' in dir(self.method): self.method.predict(info,, self.emu, x, args) else: emupred = self.emu.predict(x, self.theta.rnd(1000)) info['mean'] = np.mean(emupred.mean(), 1) info['var'] = np.var(emupred.mean(), 1) info['rnd'] = (emupred.mean()).T return prediction(info, self)
[docs] class prediction(object): ''' A class to represent a calibration prediction. will give the dictionary from the method. :Example: .. code-block:: python prediction.lpdf() prediction.mean() prediction.var() prediction.rnd() ''' def __init__(self, info, cal): = info = cal def __repr__(self): object_method = [method_name for method_name in dir(self) if callable(getattr(self, method_name))] object_method = [x for x in object_method if not x.startswith('_')] object_method = [x for x in object_method if not x.startswith('cal')] strrepr = ('A calibration prediction object predict where the code in' ' located in the file calibration. The main method are' ' predict.' + ', predict.'.join(object_method) + '. Default of predict() ' 'is predict.mean() and ' + 'predict(s) will run predict.rnd(s). ' 'Run help(predict) for the document' + ' string.') return strrepr def __call__(self, s=None, args=None): if s is None: return self.mean(args) else: return self.rnd(s, args) def __methodnotfoundstr(self, pfstr, opstr): warnings.warn(pfstr + opstr + ' functionality not in method... \n' + ' Key labeled ' + opstr + ' not ' + 'provided in ' + pfstr + '.info... \n' + ' Key labeled rnd not ' + 'provided in ' + pfstr + '.info...') return 'Could not reconsile a good way to compute this value' ' in current method.'
[docs] def mean(self, args=None): """ Returns the mean at all x in when building the prediction. """ pfstr = 'predict' # prefix string opstr = 'mean' # operation string if (pfstr + opstr) in dir( if args is None: args = return copy.deepcopy(, args)) elif opstr in return copy.deepcopy([opstr]) elif 'rnd' in[opstr] = np.mean(['rnd'], 0) return copy.deepcopy([opstr]) else: raise ValueError(self.__methodnotfoundstr(pfstr, opstr))
[docs] def var(self, args=None): """ Returns the variance at all x in when building the prediction. """ pfstr = 'predict' # prefix string opstr = 'var' # operation string if (pfstr + opstr) in dir( if args is None: args = return copy.deepcopy(, args)) elif opstr in return copy.deepcopy([opstr]) elif 'rnd' in[opstr] = np.var(['rnd'], 0) return copy.deepcopy([opstr]) else: raise ValueError(self.__methodnotfoundstr(pfstr, opstr))
[docs] def rnd(self, s=100, args=None): """ Returns s random draws at all x in when building the prediction. """ pfstr = 'predict' # prefix string opstr = 'rnd' # operation string if (pfstr + opstr) in dir( if args is None: args = return copy.deepcopy(, args)) elif 'rnd' in return['rnd'][np.random.choice(['rnd'].shape[0], size=s), :] else: raise ValueError(self.__methodnotfoundstr(pfstr, opstr))
[docs] def lpdf(self, y=None, args=None): """ Returns a log pdf given theta. """ raise ValueError('lpdf functionality not in method')
[docs] class thetadist(object): """ A class to represent a theta predictive distribution. """ def __init__(self, cal): = cal def __repr__(self): object_method = [method_name for method_name in dir(self) if callable(getattr(self, method_name))] object_method = [x for x in object_method if not x.startswith('_')] object_method = [x for x in object_method if not x.startswith('cal')] strrepr = ('A theta distribution object where the code in located in' ' the file calibration. The main method are cal.theta' + ', cal.theta.'.join(object_method) + '. Default of ' 'predict() is' + ' cal.theta.mean() and ' + 'cal.theta(s) will cal.theta.rnd(s).' ' Run help(cal.theta) for the document' + ' string.') return strrepr def __call__(self, s=None, args=None): if s is None: return self.mean(args) else: return self.rnd(s, args) def __methodnotfoundstr(self, pfstr, opstr): warnings.warn(pfstr + opstr + 'functionality not in method... \n' + ' Key labeled ' + (pfstr+opstr) + ' not ' + 'provided in \n' + ' Key labeled ' + pfstr + 'rnd not ' + 'provided in') return 'Could not reconsile a good way to compute this value in' ' current method.'
[docs] def mean(self, args=None): """ Returns mean of each element of theta found during calibration. """ pfstr = 'theta' # prefix string opstr = 'mean' # operation string if (pfstr + opstr) in dir( if args is None: args = return copy.deepcopy(, args)) elif (pfstr+opstr) in return copy.deepcopy([(pfstr+opstr)]) elif (pfstr+'rnd') in return np.mean([(pfstr+'rnd')], 0) else: raise ValueError(self.__methodnotfoundstr(pfstr, opstr))
[docs] def var(self, args=None): """ Returns predictive variance of each element of theta found during calibration. """ pfstr = 'theta' # prefix string opstr = 'var' # operation string if (pfstr + opstr) in dir( if args is None: args = return copy.deepcopy(, args)) elif (pfstr+opstr) in return copy.deepcopy([(pfstr+opstr)]) elif (pfstr+'rnd') in return np.var([(pfstr+'rnd')], 0) else: raise ValueError(self.__methodnotfoundstr(pfstr, opstr))
[docs] def rnd(self, s=1000, args=None): """ Returns s predictive draws for theta found during calibration. """ pfstr = 'theta' # prefix string opstr = 'rnd' # operation string if (pfstr + opstr) in dir( if args is None: args = return copy.copy(, s, args)) elif (pfstr+opstr) in return['thetarnd'][ np.random.choice(['thetarnd'].shape[0], size=s), :] else: raise ValueError(self.__methodnotfoundstr(pfstr, opstr))
[docs] def lpdf(self, theta=None, args=None): """ Returns a log pdf given theta. """ pfstr = 'theta' # prefix string opstr = 'lpdf' # operation string if (pfstr + opstr) in dir( if args is None: args = return copy.copy(, theta, args)) else: raise ValueError('lpdf functionality not in method')