Source code for directbayeswoodbury

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as sps
from surmise.utilities import sampler
import copy

[docs] def fit(fitinfo, emu, x, y, **bayeswoodbury_args): ''' The main required function to be called by calibration to fit a calibration model. .. note:: This approach uses Bayesian posterior sampling using the following steps: - 1. Take the emulator to approximate the computer model simulations - 2. Obtain the emulator predictive mean values at a given theta and x - 3. Calculate the residuals between emulator predictions and observed data - 4. Provide the log-posterior as the sum of log-prior and log-likelihood - 5. Use Monte Carlo or nested sampling method to sample the posterior Parameters ---------- fitinfo : dict An arbitary dictionary where the fitting information is placed once complete. This dictionary is pass by reference, so there is no reason to return anything. Keep only stuff that will be used by predict below. Note that the following are preloaded: - fitinfo['thetaprior'].rnd(s) : Get s random draws from the prior predictive distribution on theta. - fitinfo['thetaprior'].lpdf(theta) : Get the logpdf at theta(s). The following are optional preloads based on user input: - fitinfo[yvar] : The vector of observation variances at y In addition, calibration can directly use and communicate back to the user if you include: - fitinfo['thetamean'] : the mean of the prediction of theta. - fitinfo['thetavar'] : the predictive variance of theta. - fitinfo['thetarnd'] : some number draws from the predictive distribution of theta. - fitinfo['lpdf'] :log of the posterior of the given theta. emu : surmise.emulation.emulator An emulator class instance as defined in emulation. x : numpy.ndarray An array of x that represent the inputs. y : numpy.ndarray A one dimensional array of observed values at x. args : dict, optional A dictionary containing options passed. The default is None. Returns ------- None. ''' thetaprior = fitinfo['thetaprior'] try: theta = thetaprior.rnd(10) emupredict = emu.predict(x, theta, args={'return_grad': True}) emupredict.mean_gradtheta() emureturn_grad = True except Exception: emureturn_grad = False if emureturn_grad and 'lpdf_grad' not in dir(thetaprior): # if an emulator returns a gradient def lpdf_grad(theta): f_base = thetaprior.lpdf(theta) inds = np.where(np.isfinite(f_base))[0] grad = np.zeros((theta.shape[0], theta.shape[1])) n_finite = len(inds) for k in range(0, theta.shape[1]): thetaprop = copy.copy(theta) thetaprop[:, k] += 10**(-6) f_base2 = thetaprior.lpdf(thetaprop[inds, :]) grad[inds, k] = 10**(6) * (f_base2 - f_base[inds]).reshape(n_finite,) return grad thetaprior.lpdf_grad = lpdf_grad def logpostfull_wgrad(theta, return_grad=True): # obtain the log-prior logpost = thetaprior.lpdf(theta) inds = np.where(np.isfinite(logpost))[0] if emureturn_grad and return_grad: # obtain the gradient of the log-prior dlogpost = thetaprior.lpdf_grad(theta) if len(inds): # obtain the log-likelihood and the gradient of it loglikinds, dloglikinds = loglik_grad(fitinfo, emu, theta[inds, :], y, x) logpost[inds] += loglikinds dlogpost[inds] += dloglikinds return logpost, dlogpost else: if len(inds) > 0: # obtain the log-likelihood logpost[inds] += loglik(fitinfo, emu, theta[inds, :], y, x) return logpost # Define the draw function to sample from initial theta def draw_func(n): p = thetaprior.rnd(1).shape[1] theta0 = np.array([]).reshape(0, p) if 'thetarnd' in fitinfo: theta0 = fitinfo['thetarnd'] if '_emulator__theta' in dir(emu): theta0 = np.vstack((theta0, copy.copy(emu._emulator__theta))) n0 = len(theta0) if n0 < n: theta0 = np.vstack((thetaprior.rnd(n-n0), theta0)) else: theta0 = theta0[np.random.randint(theta0.shape[0], size=n), :] return theta0 # obtain theta draws from posterior distribution sampler_obj = sampler(logpost_func=logpostfull_wgrad, draw_func=draw_func, **bayeswoodbury_args) theta = sampler_obj.sampler_info['theta'] # obtain log-posterior of theta values ladj = logpostfull_wgrad(theta, return_grad=False) mladj = np.max(ladj) fitinfo['lpdfapproxnorm'] = np.log(np.mean(np.exp(ladj - mladj))) + mladj fitinfo['thetarnd'] = theta fitinfo['y'] = y fitinfo['x'] = x fitinfo['emu'] = emu return
[docs] def predict(predinfo, fitinfo, emu, x, args=None): ''' Finds prediction at x given the emulator and dictionary fitinfo. Parameters ---------- predinfo : dict An arbitary dictionary where the prediction information is placed once complete. Key elements: - predinfo['mean'] : the mean of the prediction - predinfo['var'] : the variance of the prediction - predinfo['rand'] : random draws from the predictive distribution of theta. fitinfo : dict A dictionary including the calibration fitting information once complete. emu : surmise.emulation.emulator DESCRIPTION. x : TYPE An array of x values where the prediction occurs. args : dict, optional A dictionary containing options. The default is None. Returns ------- None. ''' theta = fitinfo['thetarnd'] if theta.ndim == 1 and fitinfo['theta'].shape[1] > 1.5: theta = theta.reshape((1, theta.shape[0])) emupredict = emu.predict(x, theta) predinfo['rnd'] = copy.deepcopy(emupredict()).T emupredict = emu.predict(x, theta) emumean = emupredict.mean() emucovxhalf = emupredict.covxhalf() varfull = np.sum(np.square(emucovxhalf), axis=2) for k in range(0, theta.shape[0]): re = emucovxhalf[:, k, :] @ \ sps.norm.rvs(0, 1, size=(emucovxhalf.shape[2])) predinfo['rnd'][k, :] += re predinfo['mean'] = np.mean(emumean, 1) predinfo['var'] = np.mean(varfull, 1) + np.var(emumean, 1) return
def thetarnd(fitinfo, s=100, args=None): ''' Return s draws from the predictive distribution of theta (not required) Parameters ---------- fitinfo : dict A dictionary including the calibration fitting information once complete. s : int, optional Size of the random draws. The default is 100. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray s draws from the predictive distribution of theta. ''' return fitinfo['thetarnd'][np.random.choice(fitinfo['thetarnd'].shape[0], size=s), :]
[docs] def thetalpdf(fitinfo, theta, args=None): ''' Returns log of the posterior of the given theta. Not required. ''' emu = fitinfo['emu'] y = fitinfo['y'] x = fitinfo['x'] thetaprior = fitinfo['thetaprior'] logpost = thetaprior.lpdf(theta) if logpost.ndim > 0.5 and logpost.shape[0] > 1.5: inds = np.where(np.isfinite(logpost))[0] logpost[inds] += loglik(fitinfo, emu, theta[inds], y, x) elif np.isfinite(logpost): logpost += loglik(fitinfo, emu, theta, y, x) return (logpost-fitinfo['lpdfapproxnorm'])
def loglik(fitinfo, emu, theta, y, x): r""" This is a optional docstring for an internal function. """ if 'yvar' in fitinfo.keys(): obsvar = 1*np.squeeze(fitinfo['yvar']) else: raise ValueError('Must provide yvar in this software.') emupredict = emu.predict(x, theta) emumean = emupredict.mean() emuvar = emupredict.var() emucovxhalf = emupredict.covxhalf() loglik = np.zeros((emumean.shape[1], 1)) if np.any(np.abs(emuvar/(10 ** (-4) + (1 + 10**(-4))*np.sum(np.square(emucovxhalf), 2))) > 1): emuoldpredict = emu.predict(x) emuoldvar = emuoldpredict.var() emuoldcxh = emuoldpredict.covxhalf() obsvar += np.mean(np.abs(emuoldvar - np.sum(np.square(emuoldcxh), 2)), 1) # compute loglikelihood for each theta value in theta for k in range(0, emumean.shape[1]): m0 = emumean[:, k] S0 = np.squeeze(emucovxhalf[:, k, :]) stndresid = (np.squeeze(y) - m0) / np.sqrt(obsvar) term1 = np.sum(stndresid ** 2) J = (S0.T / np.sqrt(obsvar)).T if J.ndim < 1.5: J = J[:, None] stndresid = stndresid[:, None] J2 = J.T @ stndresid W, V = np.linalg.eigh(np.eye(J.shape[1]) + J.T @ J) if W.shape[0] > 1: J3 = V @ np.diag(1/W) @ V.T @ J2 else: J3 = ((V**2)/W) * J2 term2 = np.sum(J3 * J2) residsq = term1 - term2 loglik[k, 0] = -0.5 * residsq - 0.5 * np.sum(np.log(W)) return loglik def loglik_grad(fitinfo, emu, theta, y, x): r""" This is a optional docstring for an internal function. """ if 'yvar' in fitinfo.keys(): obsvar = 1*np.squeeze(fitinfo['yvar']) else: raise ValueError('Must provide yvar in this software.') emupredict = emu.predict(x, theta, args={'return_grad': True}) emumean = emupredict.mean() emuvar = emupredict.var() emucovxhalf = emupredict.covxhalf() emumean_grad = emupredict.mean_gradtheta() emucovxhalf_grad = emupredict.covxhalf_gradtheta() loglik = np.zeros((emumean.shape[1], 1)) d = emu._info['theta'].shape[1] dloglik = np.zeros((emumean.shape[1], d)) dterm1 = np.zeros(d) dterm2 = np.zeros(d) dterm3 = np.zeros(d) # adj for any unmodled variance: if np.any(np.abs(emuvar/(10 ** (-4) + (1 + 10**(-4))*np.sum(np.square(emucovxhalf), 2))) > 1): emuoldpredict = emu.predict(x) emuoldvar = emuoldpredict.var() emuoldcxh = emuoldpredict.covxhalf() obsvar += np.mean(np.abs(emuoldvar - np.sum(np.square(emuoldcxh), 2)), 1) for k in range(0, emumean.shape[1]): m0 = emumean[:, k] dm0 = np.squeeze(emumean_grad[:, k, :]) S0 = np.squeeze(emucovxhalf[:, k, :]) stndresid = (np.squeeze(y) - m0) / np.sqrt(obsvar) term1 = np.sum(stndresid ** 2) stndresid_grad = (-(dm0.T / np.sqrt(obsvar)).T).reshape((len(y), d)) dterm1 = 2 * np.sum(stndresid * stndresid_grad.T, 1) J = (S0.T / np.sqrt(obsvar)).T if J.ndim < 1.5: J = J[:, None] J2 = J.T @ stndresid W, V = np.linalg.eigh(np.eye(J.shape[1]) + J.T @ J) J3 = V @ np.diag(1/W) @ V.T @ J2 term2 = np.sum(J3 * J2) for i in range(0, stndresid_grad.shape[1]): dJ = (np.squeeze(emucovxhalf_grad[:, k, :, i]).T * (1/np.sqrt(obsvar))) dJ2 = J.T @ stndresid_grad[:, i] + dJ @ stndresid exmat = dJ @ J exmat = (exmat + exmat.T) dJ3 = V @ np.diag(1/W) @ V.T @ (dJ2 - exmat @ J3) dterm2[i] = np.sum(J2 * dJ3) + np.sum(dJ2 * J3) if W.shape[0] > 1: V2 = 1/obsvar * (((V * (1/W)) @ V.T) @ S0.T) else: V2 = (1/obsvar * ((V**2/W) * S0)) for i in range(0, stndresid_grad.shape[1]): dterm3[i] = 2 * np.sum(V2 * np.squeeze(emucovxhalf_grad[:, k, :, i]).T) term3 = np.sum(np.log(W)) residsq = term1 - term2 loglik[k, 0] = - 0.5 * term3-0.5 * residsq dloglik[k, :] = -0.5 * dterm3 - 0.5 * (dterm1 - dterm2) return loglik, dloglik